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Business Marketing The Cash Back App Weblog

The Cash Back App Weblog

Your Ideal Customer - How To Find Them For Free And In Big Numbers.

Get noticed by the right people, and a lot of them.

There are so many opportunities in today’s market place it can sometimes leave you wondering where to start.

The thing is how do you make sure that you are leveraging your time effectively, so you are having the most impact and highest financial reward for the effort you are putting in?

So what are the two most important things that you can do to leverage your time and results when working with small business owners and helping them profit from The Cash Back App? It is quite simple really: Speak to more people. Speak to more of the right people. Fogging a mirror… To…

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You Need To Tell Them, You Can’t Afford Not to.

Are you doing stuff for your clients or customers, that they are either not aware of, or simply don’t understand the value involved because –


This happens so often in small business, the owners take things for granted and as a result miss a massive marketing opportunity and the ability to really stand their business out from their competition.

Let me explain…

I was at a half-day marketing seminar last week. Most people attending were small business owners. You always meet great people at these types of events. There were 2 mechanics at my table chatting about the challenges they face in a competitive industry. Battling it out to get market share against the dealer groups, large chains and the hundreds…

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Where Is The Hidden Profit In Your Business?

Life gets that busy it is difficult for most business owners to get the time away from

their business for long enough to do some serious thinking about how your business

is running?


The day to day routine gets so hectic it is hard to see where the opportunities are for

you to easily grow your profits. It is the old saying of ‘not seeing the forest for the trees.’

  One of my favorite times of the month for me is taking time out to read the Newsletter I receive from copywriting legend Pete Godfrey. His newsletter is always packed full of ideas, inspiration and food for thought.   One article in his most recent really hit home – and that is how much money a…

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The 12 Components Of ‘The Perfect Business’.

Richard Russell is right up there with Warren Buffet as a modern day icon of the investing community and widely

published for his work on The Dow Theory letters, particularly in relation to business cycles and market trends.

Richard produced an article titled ‘The Perfect Business’.

I was reading an article on the weekend by marketing legend and author Seth Godin on the concept of Ideas Viruses. This got me thing about Richards article. When I first read it back in my financial planning days, it was his concepts  that got me started down the technology path.   You know how you learn…

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Mobile Technology is Changing Everything: Embrace it or go Out of Business.

Harsh, no not at all…

Business is changing and as a business owner you need to identify trends in your industry, your client’s habits and your community very early, adapt and grow.

The alternative is to not see change coming, adapt slowly (if at all) and risk your business going the way of the dinosaur…

Thing is in this day and age, change is not only inevitable, it is happening at lightning speed. Jobs and industries are disappearing, being replaced by technology either directly, or indirectly via outsourcing to foreign countries. We can make…

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Marketing Strategies: How Many Do You Have?

Try Sitting On a Three Legged Stool?

It is going to be uncomfortable, difficult to Balance, and at some point you are likely to come crashing to the floor.

We recently talked about developing a marketing plan, that plan cannot be reliant on anyone source of business to dominate, because one thing is absolutely certain, things will change

It will happen when you least expect it, and at the worst possible time.

The answer: Have multiple stream or sources of new business and income, so when something does change in your market, industry, economy or technology impacts on your clients buying habits, it does not knock you completely off balance – or worse. Do a review of where your business comes from……

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Market Testing: Know Your Numbers - Test – Refine – Implement.

Pretty sure it was Einstein quoted as saying

“The definition of insanity is; doing the same things

over and over again and expecting Different results.”

Or something to that effect…

Based on this principle;

It is unreasonable to expect to be able to solve current problems, with the same thinking that created the problem in the first place. Makes sense right.

With this in mind, if you are not attracting all of the new customers you need, not getting your customers coming back often enough, or worst of all not making the most of the opportunity your current customers present by upselling or other promotions, then… You need to do something different if you…

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I’m Too Busy to (Enter Whatever You Are Putting Off)?

I just a phone conversation with a business colleague, and it was pretty typical of so many conversations. It is a pattern that repeats…

You know the one… actually you probably have a

list of those things that drive you to distraction,

keep you busy and frustrated, yet you

never get around to fixing the source of the problem.

Systems are the answer to making your life easier, allowing you to scale your business and increase your profits. Yet so many people continue to work with processes and methods they know deep down are not effective. Back to the phone conversation… My business colleague: “I am so busy, I have got so much going on I can’t…

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It’s All About Systems And Processes.

“What gets measured gets managed.”

Peter Drucker

We all need to be working to targets:

  • If you do not have a target, what are you aiming at?
  • How are you determining whether you are succeeding and how do you refine the way you are working to improve your results?
The short answer is: If you don’t have measureable systems and processes to keep you and your staff accountable, then you are flying by the seat of your pants and making it up as you go along. Making your business run via easily duplicable processes is the key to Freedom and Lifestyle. When you get your business running to clearly…

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How Is Your Marketing Plan Going For You?

Did your head just drop a little, maybe your eyebrows raised a little – or was it a sigh of resignation?

You haven’t got one have you? Please tell me you proved me wrong?

This is so Important, I don’t mind putting a little pressure on you…

What is Your Plan to get what You Want? Marketing is the lifeblood of your business: It dictates how good a Christmas you have with the kids Whether you get a holiday next year and just how good it is. Achieving your dreams Living it up in retirement…

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Getting Results Is About Consistency.

"Across professions, consistency is a direct product of work ethic." - Harah Bhogle

It is amazing how simply doing something, anything, leads to results. 


Deliberate action is the answer to momentum. Consistent action is the Secret to your success. It never ceases to surprise me how the things I keep putting off, always s seem so simple after having done them, that I wonder why I kept avoiding doing the thing in the first place. This is even more so when…

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Fix My Financial Situation

Every January it is usually the same old thing for your clients.

Reflect on the year that was, and hope things are different this year. Then come the New Year resolutions. Usually made up of the Big 3:

  1. Fix my finances
  2. Get fit and loss some weight
  3. Find a better job or get a pay rise

By mid to late January, if not earlier, the best-laid plans are usually out the door.

Now unless you are in the financial industry or the fitness industry, you probably can’t help your customers with any of their New Year resolutions. Well at least until now… You see Small Business owners now have the ability to link your business goals with your customer’s personal goals. Think about this for…

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