Create EXTRA Cash from Your Business!
Gain $50,000 per year in PASSIVE INCOME FOR LIFE!
Step 1 - Share the App!
As a business owner, you already know many (maybe many hundreds) people who could be generating revenue for YOU simply by doing their every day shopping.
Using our marketing tools, you and your staff could easily share the App with 100 of your customers in the next 30 days.
Then, watch the sign-ups multiply as your customers share with their friends, and those friends share with their friends.
You could quickly create a Shopping Community of over 1,000 members in a matter of weeks!
Many Shopping Community members means many Shopping Community dollars!
When friends register through you, they become part of your Shopping Community (Your Shopping Community).
For every person in your Shopping Community, you earn Cash Rewards on their shopping as cash back to YOU!
We all have to shop - so why not earn cash while doing it?
Step 2 - Watch it add up!
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics the average Australian family cost of living is $65,000 a year or $1,250 per week.
If the average person in your Shopping Community only spends $200 a week using the App on anything from groceries, petrol, alcohol, dining out, hairdressers, clothing, telephone, insurance or other basics, then you will earn 0.5% on that expenditure (or $1 per person).
Let's try at least $1 per person, per week...
Multiply 1,000 members in your Shopping Community by $1 per week and get a Passive Income of $1,000 per week for as long as your Shopping Community continues to shop and use the App to get cash back.
That's a lot for not doing much - and most of us spend more than $200 per week!
Imagine if all your customers spent the weekly average? That's a lot of PASSIVE Cash Back!
Step 3 - Join Today, Before You Miss Out!
Very soon we will be launching a MASSIVE national campaign to recruit members. Do not miss YOUR opportunity to share the app with your customers before someone else does.
Don't let your competition might sign YOUR customers!
Our Launch Deal
You've found us early - so you should be rewarded!
PLUS - Get a head start to signing up Shopping Community members!
This is going to get REAL BIG, REAL FAST! So get in quick and sign up your customers - before someone else does!
Live Phase
- Normal Fee: $997
- Merchant Support: $0